Field Fund

US Youth Soccer Logo


Eastern New York Youth Soccer Logo
Coach Registration
Soccer.com Club Store


Player Registration

Travel soccer is a full year commitment both to the team and club. The travel season is broken into two 8-week seasons, beginning in the fall, and concluding in the spring. Travel teams participate in one of the following leagues: HVYSL or EDP. Teams participating in HVYSL will play on Sunday, teams participating in EDP will may hold games on either Saturday or Sunday with most clubs scheduling games on Saturday. Games within HVYSL will typically require players to be able to travel up to an hour away. Games within EDP may require the ability to travel up to two hours away.

Travel players receive more training, compete in tournaments, and face higher skill-level opponents. 

Travel practices are mandatory and not optional. Travel teams are expected to practice twice a week during the Fall and Spring seasons and one time per week over the Winter. 

KASL Travel soccer is NOT a school program. 

Try-outs are held in the spring for each age divison. Teams with roster space will contact players selected and will invite them to join. If enough players for an age division are available, new teams may be formed. For tryout information, please contact Nick Malvai at iavlam@aol.com

All players wishing to try-out are required to complete the Travel Try-out Waiver

Parent/Manger Registration